Comparison Of Cotton Import Sliding Standard Tax In 2021 And 2020
According to the calculation formula of cotton import sliding tariff in 2021 and the applicable exchange rate of Customs in January (6.5355), when the price of imported cotton is more than 97.17 cents / pound (including 97.17 cents / pound, the duty paid price is about 14000 yuan / ton), the sliding standard tariff is levied according to the fixed 280 yuan / ton; when the foreign cotton price is between 52.17 cents / pound and 97.17 cents / pound, the sliding standard tariff is applicable; When the price of foreign cotton is lower than 52.17 cents / pound, the fixed tax rate is 40%.
Quotation of imported cotton (cents / pound) | Price in RMB (RMB / kg) | Calculation of general trade port pick up price based on 1% tariff | Sliding standard tax rate in January 2020 | Sliding rate in January 2021 |
fifty-two point one seven | seven point five one seven | eight thousand four hundred and seventy-five | zero point four | zero point four |
fifty-three | seven point six three six | eight thousand six hundred and seven | zero point four | zero point three eight four |
fifty-four | seven point seven eight zero | eight thousand seven hundred and sixty-five | zero point four | zero point three six six |
fifty-five | seven point nine two four | eight thousand nine hundred and twenty-four | zero point three nine nine | zero point three four nine |
fifty-six | eight point zero six nine | nine thousand and eighty-three | zero point three eight one | zero point three three two |
fifty-seven | eight point two one three | nine thousand two hundred and forty-one | zero point three six four | zero point three one seven |
fifty-eight | eight point three five seven | nine thousand and four hundred | zero point three four eight | zero point three zero two |
fifty-nine | eight point five zero one | nine thousand five hundred and fifty-eight | zero point three three three | zero point two eight seven |
sixty | eight point six four five | nine thousand seven hundred and seventeen | zero point three one eight | zero point two seven four |
sixty-one | eight point seven eight nine | nine thousand eight hundred and seventy-six | zero point three zero four | zero point two six |
sixty-two | eight point nine three three | ten thousand and thirty-four | zero point two nine | zero point two four eight |
sixty-three | nine point zero seven seven | ten thousand one hundred and ninety-three | zero point two seven seven | zero point two three six |
sixty-four | nine point two two one | ten thousand three hundred and fifty-two | zero point two six five | zero point two two four |
sixty-five | nine point three six five | ten thousand five hundred and ten | zero point two five three | zero point two one three |
sixty-six | nine point five zero nine | ten thousand six hundred and sixty-nine | zero point two four one | zero point two zero two |
sixty-seven | nine point six five three | ten thousand eight hundred and twenty-seven | zero point two three | zero point one nine two |
sixty-eight | nine point seven nine seven | ten thousand nine hundred and eighty-six | zero point two one nine | zero point one eight two |
sixty-nine | nine point nine four two | eleven thousand one hundred and forty-five | zero point two zero nine | zero point one seven three |
seventy | ten point zero eight six | eleven thousand three hundred and three | zero point one nine nine | zero point one six four |
seventy-one | ten point two three zero | eleven thousand four hundred and sixty-two | zero point one nine | zero point one five five |
seventy-two | ten point three seven four | eleven thousand six hundred and twenty-one | zero point one eight one | zero point one four seven |
seventy-three | ten point five one eight | eleven thousand seven hundred and seventy-nine | zero point one seven two | zero point one three nine |
seventy-four | ten point six six two | eleven thousand nine hundred and thirty-eight | zero point one six four | zero point one three one |
seventy-five | ten point eight zero six | twelve thousand and ninety-six | zero point one five five | zero point one two four |
seventy-six | ten point nine five zero | twelve thousand two hundred and fifty-five | zero point one four eight | zero point one one six |
seventy-seven | eleven point zero nine four | twelve thousand four hundred and fourteen | zero point one four | zero point one one |
seventy-eight | eleven point two three eight | twelve thousand five hundred and seventy-two | zero point one three three | zero point one zero three |
seventy-nine | eleven point three eight two | twelve thousand seven hundred and thirty-one | zero point one two six | zero point zero nine seven |
eighty | eleven point five two six | twelve thousand eight hundred and eighty-nine | zero point one two | zero point zero nine one |
eighty-one | eleven point six seven one | thirteen thousand and forty-eight | zero point one one three | zero point zero eight five |
eighty-two | eleven point eight one five | thirteen thousand two hundred and seven | zero point one zero seven | zero point zero eight |
eighty-three | eleven point nine five nine | thirteen thousand three hundred and sixty-five | zero point one zero one | zero point zero seven four |
eighty-four | twelve point one zero three | thirteen thousand five hundred and twenty-four | zero point zero nine five | zero point zero six nine |
eighty-five | twelve point two four seven | thirteen thousand six hundred and eighty-three | zero point zero nine | zero point zero six four |
eighty-six | twelve point three nine one | thirteen thousand eight hundred and forty-one | zero point zero eight five | zero point zero six |
eighty-seven | twelve point five three five | fourteen thousand | zero point zero eight | zero point zero five five |
eighty-eight | twelve point six seven nine | fourteen thousand one hundred and fifty-eight | zero point zero seven five | zero point zero five one |
eighty-nine | twelve point eight two three | fourteen thousand three hundred and seventeen | zero point zero seven | zero point zero four seven |
ninety | twelve point nine six seven | fourteen thousand four hundred and seventy-six | zero point zero six six | zero point zero four three |
ninety-one | thirteen point one one one | fourteen thousand six hundred and thirty-four | zero point zero six two | zero point zero three nine |
ninety-two | thirteen point two five five | fourteen thousand seven hundred and ninety-three | zero point zero five eight | zero point zero three six |
ninety-three | thirteen point four zero zero | fourteen thousand nine hundred and fifty-two | zero point zero five four | zero point zero three two |
ninety-four | thirteen point five four four | fifteen thousand one hundred and ten | zero point zero five | zero point zero two nine |
ninety-five | thirteen point six eight eight | fifteen thousand two hundred and sixty-nine | zero point zero four six | zero point zero two six |
ninety-six | thirteen point eight three two | fifteen thousand four hundred and twenty-seven | zero point zero four three | zero point zero two three |
ninety-seven | thirteen point nine seven six | fifteen thousand five hundred and eighty-six | zero point zero four | zero point zero two |
ninety-seven point one seven | fourteen | fifteen thousand six hundred and thirteen | zero point zero three nine | Specific tax 0.28 |
ninety-eight | fourteen point one two zero | fifteen thousand seven hundred and forty-five | zero point zero three six | Specific tax 0.28 |
ninety-nine | fourteen point two six four | fifteen thousand nine hundred and three | zero point zero three three | Specific tax 0.28 |
one hundred | fourteen point four zero eight | sixteen thousand and sixty-two | zero point zero three | Specific tax 0.28 |
one hundred and one | fourteen point five five two | sixteen thousand two hundred and twenty | zero point zero two eight | Specific tax 0.28 |
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