16 Day Exchange Rate: 1 US Dollar To RMB 6.7332 Yuan
The people's Bank of China authorized the China foreign exchange trading center to announce that on October 16, 2020, the middle rate of RMB exchange rate in the inter-bank foreign exchange market is:
1 US dollar to RMB 6.7332 yuan,
1 euro to RMB 7.8823 yuan,
100 yen to RMB 6.3887 yuan,
HK $1 to RMB 0.86879,
1 pound to RMB 8.6857 yuan,
1 Australian yuan to RMB 4.7737 yuan,
1 NZD to RMB 4.4437,
1 SGD to RMB 4.9499,
1 Swiss Franc to RMB 7.3616,
1 Canadian yuan to RMB 5.0915 yuan,
RMB 1 to rm0.61690,
RMB 1 to russian rubles 11.5910,
RMB 1 to R 2.4740,
RMB 1 to KRW 170.04,
RMB 1 to 0.54560 UAE dirhams,
RMB 1 to 0.55718 SAR,
RMB 1 to 46.2637 Hungarian Forint,
RMB 1 to 0.57661 Polish zloty,
RMB 1 to DKR 0.9444,
RMB 311.81 to Sweden,
RMB 1 to NOK 1.3906,
RMB 1 to TRL 1.17866,
RMB 1 to mex 3.1612,
RMB 1 to THB 4.6371.
China Foreign Exchange Trading Center
October 16, 2020
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